Monthly Archives: July 2017

I submitted a game for Ludum Dare 39. Hopefully my submission worked. DIfficult to tell, cause the site was slow.

I’ll try to give a summary of the weekend later on, with things I learned and such.

My game isn’t much, and I found some bugs in it after submission, but here it is.


I had some other plans for this weekend, but discovered that LD39 was on. I was thinking about trying to write some quick small games anyway, so I might as well participate. The theme is “Running out of power”.

I’m going to make something pretty basic, and not so creative, because I want to get something done. Basically the idea is to have 10 cannons shooting laser automatically. You’ll have to redirect power between them to defend yourself. The power is degrading over time and you have to prioritize what lasers you want to use.

Spent an hour before going to bed thinking about ideas and doing project setup.

Hour two was spent making a skybox and changing some things around in unity. I am using Unity 5.6 for this btw.


If you need to set a number of vertices to a specific color, it’s not obvious how to do this (at least not for me).

  1. Select the vertices edges or faces in edit mode.
  2. Switch to Vertex pain and click the icon that says Face selection masking (it’s between the layers and pivot point settings).
  3. Select a color
  4. Hit space and search for set vertex color.

This is great if you want to use Vertex colors to mark different areas of an object.



For quite some time now, this blog has been dead. I really didn’t have the time to write, and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to when I started it.

I don’t want to through away the old posts however, and instead, I decided to use this for some other content that might help people out.

For a few years now, I’ve wanted to learn about game development, and maybe develop some simple games.

I have a tendency to try to lear everything at once, but I’ll at least try to post my experiences while learning this new stuff, as well as providing a collection of useful resources.

The first one i’ll mention right now is Gamefromscratch. It’s my go to place when looking for new tools, or before getting started with a new game Engine / Library.

Even though I’ve pretty much been sticking to unity for the past few months, I have been looking into other libraries, such as XNA/MonoGame, LibGdX. The site and the youtube channel also has a lot of useful information about other tools you may want to use.

I’ll still post a game first impression every now and again, but from now on, you can expect seeing some of my crappy art and 3D modelling skill as I try to learn more about game development.

While I’m at it, I’ll also try to make a new theme for this site.